Woodstock is a town that supports both the stores that line Main Street, and also the farms in the surrounding area. Through the aptly named Woodstock Farm Festival, local farms, nurseries, wineries, and more have a chance to set up tents to sell their fresh, organic produce every Wednesday during the summer, rain or shine. From around three until dark, more than twenty vendors congregate in the parking lot of Houst's hardware store at 6 Maple Lane, sharing with the public everything from bread to lettuce to jam to strawberries.
Beginning in late May and ending in late October, this festival is a growing phenomenon for the summer season, and it is open to everyone interested. The Farm Festival even sponsors activities for children and other special events, which are advertised on their website, woodstockfarmfestival.com. Please join our local growers and bakers any Wednesday to enjoy what they have to offer. After all, "If it's Wednesday, it's Woodstock!"
~Danielle Barthel
~Danielle Barthel